Archives for November 2012

The Woes of Joe’s Toes

I recently purchased a plaque in honor of my Joe’s and 25th wedding anniversary. It’s hanging in between the His and Hers mirrors in our master bath.  It has a not-so-subtle message: “You and I are pretty unusual:  I am pretty and you are unusual.” So, needless to say, I’m living up to the “Princess” label Joe has assigned to me. (I’m ok with that, by the way--I enjoy flouncing, and I love to make an entrance).  But I’ve also given Joe the label of “Quirky”. Take the issue of our mutual toes. Every morning, Joe and I execute the same Continue Reading

God’s Lemonade

I’m fresh off a study in my women’s group on the Book of Jonah-- four short chapters long on drama!  It’s a story of God’s interruption in the life of a man who refused His call, rebelled and bolted, got rerouted and released on the shore with no choice but to revisit his mandate to preach repentance. Could our group relate from lessons learned in our own lives!  I appreciated the honest sharing, citing second chances and divine interventions, recycled hardships and God’s unrelenting pursuit ( O Love that Will Not Let Me Go! ).  We Continue Reading