Archives for 2009

A Present Help in Time of Trouble

These are verses I find myself going back to again and again.   Let me share them with you.  I hope you'll share your favorites too. I put my hope in Him,   “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord More than the watchmen wait for the morning” Psalm 130:5-6   He acted in my behalf. “Since ancient times no one  Has heard, No ear has perceived, No eye has seen any God  Besides You, Who acts on behalf of those  Who wait on Him” Isaiah 64:4 He lifted me up and gave me stability. Continue Reading

Governor Sanford and the Adultery Trap

I don't know whether to be sad or just numb: today we had yet another revelation about a powerful man (who also happens to be conservative and a professing Christian) having an affair. Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina sort of disappeared on Father’s Day weekend.  His wife didn’t know where he was.  His staff, apparently at a loss to answer reporters’ questions, told them he was on an extended hike through the Appalachians.  The mystery continued until Governor Sanford returned, finding more reporters waiting for him at the airport.  Continue Reading

Pardon My Dust

Did you know that's what the writer Dorothy Parker had put on her headstone? She was a clever gal, for sure, and I am a great admirer of her writing. Well, I need to say "pardon my dust" for the next week or so as I update the site. Don't panic, your comments are all still here, for now you may just need to click through a headline or two to get to them. I hope the end result will be a better experience for you when you come by for a visit. While I have this opportunity, please let me say thanks for coming by so often. I am so touched by Continue Reading

Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?

I have been a fan of Dr. Donald Joy for several years, and had the privilege of meeting him at a conference where my he and my husband were speaking. I had read his book on bonding and relationships, and the first chapter, “Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?” grabbed me and never let me go.  The concept helped me understand and visualize what healthy relationships look like and how important accountability and support are, especially if a person has been in a crisis situation.   Let me explain my take on the trampoline concept: Dr. Joy, a Continue Reading

Women Are Like That

Here's the eleventh commandment:  Thou shalt have a sense of humor!  I thought this movie trailer from a 30's movie might be entertaining! Women Are Like That portrays a "libertine" wife having to be taught to behave by her husband. I'll bet many of us wish the roles were reversed here, don't you?  I know many a woman who'd like to KO her husband so he'd behave. Ah... if it were only as easy and breezy as a light romantic comedy.  But, seriously, how do you keep your sense of humor in your present circumstances?  I'd like to know.  Let's Continue Reading