Archives for April 2012

Tears of Rememberance on Good Friday

Today is the day we remember, as Jesus asked us to do when we celebrate our communion with Him.  In celebrating the last supper He and His disciples would share together before his death on the cross He said, "Do this in rememberance of Me" as He broke the bread. (Luke 22:19) This Good Friday, we remember once again. I was very moved my husband's post today, Tears of Rememberance on Good Friday.  It made me thoughtful about how I remember - do I accompany my tears with a change of heart and a move to action? Do I believe that "all things are Continue Reading

Three Obstacles to True Forgiveness

For a wife who is dealing with her husband’s sexual sin, part of the process of forgiveness includes coming to an understanding of what she has truly lost by the betrayal, and then beginning to release the debt of the offense against her. If she doesn’t go through this process, I’m not sure she can truly say “from her heart” she has truly forgiven. (Matthew 18:32-35) But forgiveness can be a challenge because the hurt may still resonate, and the emotions and fears combine to add confusion as to what true forgiveness looks like.  Here are Continue Reading