Archives for 2018


After months of punditry and political ads that have you seeing cross-eyed, November 6th is upon us. At this moment of truth, what should a Christian do? It goes without saying—make sure you exercise your right to vote! But don’t leave it at that. You'd have to be living on a remote desert island not to know there will be many challenges facing our nation and the church in America (and worldwide) in the next few years; so now is a good time to think about what our role as believers should be both individually and corporately. Complacency Continue Reading

Peace Channel

I’m trapped in a house of testosterone. One husband, two sons, and not a scrap of femininity in sight. As the sole female in a man’s world, I’m just about able to cope with socks on the floor, toilet seats raised and the ape-like slamming of doors and drawers. But I draw the line at television viewing. At the end of the day, when I’m trying to unwind and prepare for sleep, I really don’t think Die Hard III or Crime Scene Investigation is going to speed me to my dreams. So when we’re choosing what to watch I insist, time and again, “I want to Continue Reading