Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?

I have been a fan of Dr. Donald Joy for several years, and had the privilege of meeting him at a conference where my he and my husband were speaking. I had read his book on bonding and relationships, and the first chapter, “Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?” grabbed me and never let me go.  The concept helped me understand and visualize what healthy relationships look like and how important accountability and support are, especially if a person has been in a crisis situation.   Let me explain my take on the trampoline concept: Dr. Joy, a Continue Reading

Women Are Like That

Here's the eleventh commandment:  Thou shalt have a sense of humor!  I thought this movie trailer from a 30's movie might be entertaining! Women Are Like That portrays a "libertine" wife having to be taught to behave by her husband. I'll bet many of us wish the roles were reversed here, don't you?  I know many a woman who'd like to KO her husband so he'd behave. Ah... if it were only as easy and breezy as a light romantic comedy.  But, seriously, how do you keep your sense of humor in your present circumstances?  I'd like to know.  Let's Continue Reading

Paris Hilton’s New BFF

I was in an allergy coma from the onset of the Santa Ana winds the other day, which would explain why I switched channels to watch Paris Hilton’s new show, My New BFF.  In it, young women were competing Project Runway style for the privilege of being Paris’ New Best Friend Forever.   Of course, Paris’ definition of Best Friend is different than most of ours.  Most of us assume there’s a certain mutuality that comes with friendship. But with Paris it’s a little one-sided.  In this show, friendship has definitely devolved into a shallow, Continue Reading

What “The Women” Has To Say To Women

I’ll admit feeling a little protective when I heard about a remake of The Women, the 1939 classic which is still one of my favorite movies. It was released the same year as The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind, but Dorothy and Scarlett O’Hara had nothing on these ladies. Featuring the likes of Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford and Rosalind Russell, they’re a quick, catty and conniving bunch of man-grabbing, back-stabbing-with-a-smile friends who display everything great and monstrous about female bonding. Despite the title, it’s largely a movie Continue Reading