Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?

I have been a fan of Dr. Donald Joy for several years, and had the privilege of meeting him at a conference where my he and my husband were speaking. I had read his book on bonding and relationships, and the first chapter, “Who Is Holding Your Trampoline?” grabbed me and never let me go.  The concept helped me understand and visualize what healthy relationships look like and how important accountability and support are, especially if a person has been in a crisis situation.   Let me explain my take on the trampoline concept: Dr. Joy, a Continue Reading

Recycle My Heart: A Valentine’s Day Prayer

It wouldn’t be fitting to leave you “postless” on St. Valentine’s Day.  I have ruminated about what to say today to the women who read this blog; women who have been hurt by spouses in ways that make them feel… less like a Valentine and more like a discarded newspaper.  Once upon a time, interesting, but today--old news. I remember feeling like that. Valentine’s Day was particularly difficult for me when I went through the painful rejection in my first marriage. (See It Happened to a Nice Christian Girl)  After all, the day is all about Continue Reading

Your husband’s admitted he’s homosexual. What now?

The Faces Behind the Issues Here in California, we’re in the middle of a huge and heartbreaking controversy over Proposition 8, the marriage amendment that essentially banned same-sex marriage in this state.  Amidst all the political upheaval, people often forget the faces behind the issues: many of those faces belong to women who are trying to cope with the revelation that their husband is homosexual.  And though the Christian worldview on homosexuality differs from that of our culture, it does not necessarily grant immunity from the issue Continue Reading

Hope Floats

      Blessed be the Lord,                                                     For He has shown me his marvelous         kindness in a strong city!      For I said in my haste,         ‘"I am cut off from before your eyes”;      Nevertheless You heard the voice         of my supplications      When I cried to out to You.      Oh, love the Lord, all you his saints!      For the Lord preserves the faithful,      And fully repays the proud person.      Be of good courage,      And He shall strengthen your heart,      All you who Continue Reading